Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Glory Cup tournament for the age group.
BU11 - Bronze 9 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 TC United Competition Soccer Club
TC United B14 Blue - TR
0243-01XB11-4388   Ted Rockwell
 A2 Utah Glory
Utah Glory B14 Red NV
0200-01XB11-0247   Nick Vander Veur
 A3 Avalanche SL/DW
Avalanche Boys 14 Blue SL
0446-02X3B11-9200   Graig Omori
 A4 Saratoga Springs FC
SSFC Thunder 14 LL
0564-02XB11-0068   Saul Leal
 A5 Copper Mountain Soccer
Copper Mountain 14 AW
0213-01XB11-1150   Aidan Whitmill
 B1 Copper Mountain Soccer
Copper Mountain 14 BH
0213-01XB11-1134   Bryce Hansen
 B2 Metasport FC
Metasport FC 14B ML (SFC)
0430-05XB11-9949   Merle Lee
 B3 Utah Soccer Alliance
City SC UT Elite 14B-PC
0202-01MB11-9473   Pedro Curiel
 B4 Avalanche West
Avalanche Boys 15 White West
0446-06XB11-0010   Amanda Axelson