Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Glory Cup tournament for the age group.
BU15 - Bronze 6 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Murray Soccer Club
Murray S.C. Black B10 AB
0106-01CB15-2008   Angel Benitez
 A2 Impact United Competitive
Impact TS 10B
0101-011B15-7358   Thomas Skidmore
 A3 Evanston Express
Evanston Express 10B (ind)
02JW-21CB15-0004   Brandon Lamb
 B1 West Jordan FC
0234-37CB15-0005   Alden Carpenter
 B2 Copper Mountain Soccer
Copper Mountain 10 ZH
0213-01CB15-1186   Zachary Holmes
 B3 Blast Soccer Club - 01
Blast 2010 White
0140-01CB15-0041   Jayce Swenson