Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Glory Cup tournament for the age group.
GU10 - Silver 5 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Avalanche West
Avalanche 15 Black West 2
0446-06XG10-0031   Benjamin Beer
 A2 Copper Mountain Soccer
Copper Mountain 15 MH
0213-01XG10-1149   Matthew Harris
 A3 Cottonwood FC - 01
Cottonwood FC G15 Red CJ
0131-01XG10-5679   Craig Jackson
 A4 Summit FC
Summit FC G15 - HP
0430-15XG10-2360   Heidi Pugmire
 A5 Utah Rio FC
Utah Rio FC 15G CW
0536-06GXG10-2037   Carsten Weldon