Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Glory Cup tournament for the age group.
GU13 - Open 4 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Metasport FC
MetaSport FC 12G KM (SFC)
0430-05CG13-9975   Kacie Moore
 A2 Copper Mountain Soccer
Copper Mountain 12 KW/Premier
0213-01CG13-1126   Karen Wunderli
 A3 7 Elite Academy Utah - South
7 Elite Academy 12G Copa
0207-04CG13-1274   Megan Hunt
 A4 La Roca SLC
La Roca 13/12G - R Rose
0436-05SG13-0296   Rylee Rose