Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Glory Cup tournament for the age group.
GU14 - Open 6 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 UCSC Competitive
UCSC Moxie 11
0526-07CG14-1921   Stacy Elder
 A2 NV Elite FC 11G n/a   Alex Villegas
 A3 Murray Soccer Club
Murray S.C. Black G11 CC
0106-01CG14-2053   Courtney Christensen
 B1 Elite FC
Elite FC 11G Blue
0203-01CG14-1368   Nicholas Estrada
 B2 Ajax Utah FC
0210-01CG14-2051   Joe Baca
 B3 Cottonwood FC - 01
Cottonwood FC G11 Gold RW
0131-01CG14-5739   Robert Wilcox