Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2023 Fall PL, SCL, IRL, XL tournament for the age group.
Girls 9U Metro Blue 10 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Avalanche SL/DW
Avalanche 15 Blue SL
0446-02XG09-9251   Joseph Foerster
 A2 Avalanche SL/DW
Avalanche 15 Grey SL
0446-02XG09-9252   Emily Davis
 A3 Copper Mountain Soccer
Copper Mountain 15 JK
0213-01XG09-1148   Joshua Kirn
 A4 Cottonwood FC - 01
Cottonwood FC G15 Red CJ
0131-01XG09-5679   Tyler Tinling
 A5 Impact United Competitive
Impact CB2 15G
0101-01XG09-7861   Courtney Babb
 A6 Impact United Competitive
Impact JC 15G
0101-01XG09-7862   Jair Celis
 A7 Park City Soccer Club
Park City SC G15 White
0102-02XG09-3879   Sugey Morales
 A8 Sparta United Soccer Club
Sparta G15 KK
0116-01XG09-1379   Katie Koelliker
 A9 Utah Soccer Alliance
USA Premier 15G - SU
0202-01XG09-9496   Samir Uvejzovic
 A10 Utah Soccer Alliance SLC Metro
USA SLC Metro Premier 15G - RS
0202-03YG09-9410   Rhet Scherschligt