Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the Strikers Cup 2019 tournament for the age group.
Girls Under 12 Silver 6 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 League 30
L30 Atletico G08- CR
0430-01XG12-0545   Manuel Gonzalez
 A2 Cache Valley Soccer
Aggies FC '08G BW - NUU
0763-02XG12-5216   Bradley Ward
 A3 Striker JD 0437-01XG11-0257   Jerremy Deaton
 B1 Wasatch Soccer Club
Wasatch SC '08G Orange - BJ
0402-01XG12-1342   Bret Jepson
 B2 Avalanche Cache Co
Avalanche 08 Black CV
0104-07CG1G-7271   Lauren Prettyman
 B3 League 30
L30 Titans FC G08 -Yellow
0430-01XG12-0640   Adam Reynolds