Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 1 800 Contacts presents 2022 USA Adidas Cup tournament for the age group.
2008/2009 Girls - Silver 7 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Utah Soccer Alliance
USA Premier 09G - DZ
0202-01RG14-9412   Devin Zimmerman
 A2 Avalanche UC
Avalanche 09 Blue UC 2
0446-04WG14-9150   Pike Goss
 A3 Cottonwood FC - 01
Cottonwood FC G09 Red RA
0131-01CG14-0031   Robert Andersen
 B1 IFFC 09 Premier 1513597   Brandon Lee
 B2 Utah Soccer Alliance SLC Metro
USA Metro Premier 09G - RS
0202-03CG14-9386   Rhet Scherschligt
 B3 La Roca South
La Roca '09G-C Peterson
0436-03SG14-9125   Chad Peterson
 B4 Cottonwood FC - 01
Cottonwood FC G08 White RA
0131-01CG15-0047   Robert Andersen