2023 Spring PL, SCL, IRL, XL
Venue: Spanish Fork Sports Park

Venue Information
Venue: Spanish Fork Sports Park
Address: 141 W Volunteer Dr
Spanish Fork, UT  84660
View Map: Google Map
Web Site: -
Directions: Full size fields are located on the east side of the complex. U11-12 fields are south of the playground. U9-10 fields are southeast of the tennis courts.

Fields At This Venue
No Field Name Description Status Schedule
5661 SPSF1 - East U9-U10 CLOSED: 4/1/2023 Schedule
5662 SPSF2 - West U9-U10 CLOSED: 4/1/2023 Schedule
5663 SFSP3 - Southeast of Tennis Courts Full CLOSED: 4/1/2023 Schedule
5664 SPSF4 - Southeast of Tennis Courts Full CLOSED: 4/1/2023 Schedule
5665 SPSF5 - south of playground U11-U12 CLOSED: 4/1/2023 Schedule
5666 SPSF6 - south of playground U11-U12 CLOSED: 4/1/2023 --
5667 SPSF7 - south of Playground U11-U12 CLOSED: 4/1/2023 Schedule
5668 SPSF8 - NorthEast Corner of the Complex U11-U12 CLOSED: 4/1/2023 Schedule